Professor Tim Kastelle

Researcher biography
Tim Kastelle is Professor and Director of the Andrew N. Liveris Academy for Innovation and Leadership. The Academy's mission is educating students with demonstrated leadership prowess, a passion for sustainability and the potential to solve problems through large-scale innovation, with the Academy also taking leadership in sustainability and innovation both locally and globally. Tim's research, teaching and engagement work are all based on his study of innovation management. He graduated from Princeton University with a degree in economics, and his MBA and PhD were completed at UQ. He has published widely in the leading innovation journals.
Tim is deeply committed to translating research into practice to help people and organisations create value from ideas. To this end, he writes a well-regarded innovation blog for managers (, and he has worked to develop innovation and leadership programs in collaboration with a wide range of organisations, such as the Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organisation, CSR, Meat & Livestock Australia, Teys Australia, Logan City Council, and Metro South Health.