Grace Bogdan

I hope I can help girls entering engineering, or considering it, feel very encouraged and supported.

Hi, I'm Grace!

I'm in my Second Year of a Bachelor of Engineering, specialising in Civil. I caught up with the Women in Engineering team to chat all things engineering and offer my advice to new engineering students.


What or who inspired you to choose engineering?

I was inspired by my Mum as I grew up listening to her cool stories of being a materials and manufacturing engineer. When she studied at UQ she was one of two girls in her discipline, so I love seeing the abundance of women in engineering now! 


Why did you choose the discipline you are studying?

I always thought I would study exactly what my Mum did but after my year 10 work experience, I realised the manufacturing engineering was not for me. I went on a couple more work experiences (highly recommend by the way!) and fell in love with civil engineering. I have always loved seeing the practical side of what I am studying so being able to use my engineering skills to design visible, incredibly useful infrastructure like roads, bridges, and pipes is really cool! 


What is one thing about university or engineering that you wished you knew earlier?

I wish I knew just how much help is offered to us students. I always thought once you’re out of high school you don’t have that teacher support anymore, but I was proved very much wrong! Each of your lecturers will have office hours where you can ask any questions about the course, and they are typically happy to chat before and after classes too. You have also got tutors (who are students too!) and academic advisory staff so you always have a place to go to with your questions. And don’t forget about the Women in Engineering program too!


What made you pick engineering at the University of Queensland over other universities?

I chose UQ because of its phenomenal reputation. No matter where you apply for a job in Australia, chances are they have heard of UQ and its highly regarded engineering program!


Give us your best tip for first-year engineering students? 

I would say to experiment around with different note taking and study strategies to figure out what works best for you. Some people swear by typing lecture notes, I love to handwrite as I remember things better, others don’t take notes and re-watch the lecture later – just work out what helps you understand the content best. Try using flashcards, the pomodoro technique and other study strategies especially in your first semester so you really understand how you can best study your subjects. 


Tell us your favourite example of amazing engineering? 

The Ras Al Khair Desalination Plant in Saudi Arabia is a fascinating water desalination plant that converts saltwater in to fresh, drinkable water – approximately 728 million litres per day! This happens through a process called ‘multi-stage flashing’ where the seawater is heated high temperature, then boiled in an evaporator with decreasing pressure. The resulted steam is then condensed into fresh water. Pretty cool right?!


What's your dream engineering job when you graduate? 

I would love to work as a humanitarian civil engineer and help developing communities by designing infrastructure (specifically in water management) to best support their needs. 


What do you hope to achieve as a WE student leader?

I hope I can help girls entering engineering, or considering it, feel very encouraged and supported.


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