Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic) / Bachelor of Mathematics (Applied Mathematics)
Who or what made you choose to study this?
I have always been passionate about mathematics, and so I resolved to continue learning in the field once I left school. Engineering was a passion I picked up in high school when I took an engineering and technology subject in high school. Through this class, I came to appreciate how engineering utilises both theoretical knowledge and practical problem-solving skills to solve a vast variety of problems. After taking courses in different fields of engineering, I learnt that I greatly enjoyed both the mechanical and electrical fields of study. I was so keen on studying both fields that I did not want to give either up, so I decided to try out a major that incorporates both: mechatronics!
What do you love most about your degree?
Something I love that studying engineering offers is access to the UQ Innovate workshop and Instrumentation Lab. This access has given me the opportunity to experiment with the available equipment and materials, which has taught me invaluable practical lessons about fabricating and testing engineering designs.
What’s been your favourite course so far and why?
My favourite course so far is Introduction to Electrical Engineering (ENGG1300). This course focuses on understanding and solving a variety of problems with electrical circuits. A core component of this problem solving process involves mathematics. As somebody who loves learning the practical applications of mathematics, this aspect of the course was very appealing to me.