Joanna Findlay

Many women feel there are things they just can't achieve, especially around STEM. I would like to support them in pursuing technology as an area of study and as a career.


What do you study and what year are you in?
Bachelor of Computer Science (Data Science), third year.

Who or what made you choose to study this?
I always had an interest in technology.

Why did you choose to study at UQ?
UQ’s reputation in the industry.

What do you love most about your degree?
There is always something new and interesting to learn.

What’s been your favourite course so far and why?

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering studying at UQ, what would that be?
Keep an open mind to all opportunities.

Have you participated in any internships or work? If so tell us a bit about it, what did you enjoy most about the experience?
I have worked part-time in an unrelated role to me studies. Being in time-pressured situations helped me better walk the line between focus on details and efficiency.

What do you hope to do when you graduate?
I hope to work in the industry and to learn and contribute a lot of things.

Are you a member of any student societies or participate in extracurricular activities? Tell us a bit about it. 
Yes, UQ Ladies in Technology. It is a really nice society to be a part of, and we hold events a variety of events to promote community and give useful experiences to enhance your employability.


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Joanna Findlay