All Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Engineering, Master of Engineering and Master of Engineering (Professional) students must complete 430 hours of Engineering Professional Practice (EPP) prior to graduation.

12. FAQs

Q: What is the EPP Hub?  

Your EPP Hub is where you can find the mandatory and optional components required to complete as part of your EPP requirement. You also use your EPP Hub to log and track your progress and to submit your EPP for review and approval. You can access your EPP Hub through your Dashboard in StudentHub  or via the EPP website.

Q: What is InPlace?

You must submit your industry placement via InPlace for approval before your placement starts. After your placement, you and your supervisor will receive a placement verification survey based on your placement record in InPlace. You can claim the EPP hours for your placement in your EPP Hub after the survey has been submitted by both of you and your supervisor.

Q: I forgot to submit my industry placement before it started, can I still submit the placement via InPlace?

Yes, but please note that there is no guarantee that your placement will be approved as eligible for EPP. Submit your placement for approval via InPlace as soon as possible with the original dates. You will be able to claim eligible EPP hours for your placement once it’s approved and the placement verification survey is completed.

Q: Why are the EPP hours/placements I have submitted in the old EPP system not showing up in InPlace?

EPP hours and placements submitted in the old EPP system are not transferred to InPlace. EPP hours that have been claimed and approved in the old EPP system have been transferred to your EPP Hub.

Q: My placement status in InPlace is ‘to be finalised’. How/when will it be finalised?

The placement status in InPlace will not be updated to a finalised status, please ignore this. Once your placement has been confirmed by you and your supervisor via the placement confirmation survey, you can claim the placement in your EPP Hub.
You can check if your supervisor has completed their survey on the survey link sent to you, or under the ‘Surveys/Assessments’ tab in InPlace.

Q: My supervisor did not receive the placement verification survey. What should I do?

Your supervisor will receive their survey the day after you submit yours. If they still haven’t received it, please check that the email address you provided for your supervisor is correct on the placement record. Also, ask your supervisor to check their spam folder. 
Please contact EAIT Employability if they still can’t find the email.

Q: My supervisor has submitted the placement verification survey but my EPP hours do not show up in my EPP Hub.

EPP hours won’t automatically appear in your EPP Hub. Once the placement verification survey is completed, you may claim the EPP hours for your industry placement in your EPP Hub by submitting the relevant form.

Q: Are we required to complete 430 or 450 EPP hours?

From semester 1 2025, engineering students are required to complete 430 EPP hours. This applies to all students regardless of when you commenced your program.

Q: I have submitted an industry placement form in my EPP Hub. How do I know if it’s been approved?

Submissions in your EPP Hub are reviewed once you have met all EPP requirements and have submitted your EPP Hub for approval. 
EAIT Employability will then check your EPP claims and process your EPP Hub submission.

Q: I have already had my EPP approved in the old EPP system. Do I have to transition to my EPP Hub?  

No. If you have submitted and received approval for all 450 EPP hours in the old EPP system and have your reflections to Blackboard before the deadline of 20 September 2024, then your EPP status is complete, and you’ll see this reflected in your mySI-net Studies Report. You won’t have to transition to Your EPP Hub, nor will you have access to it.  

However, if you have had all your EPP hours approved, but have not submitted your reflections by 20 September 2024, your EPP status will be incomplete, and you will need to finalise your EPP via your EPP Hub. Your previously approved EPP hours were transferred over from the old EPP system to your EPP Hub on your behalf.   

Q: I have claimed some of my EPP hours in the old EPP system, but I have not completed all required hours, do I have to claim these hours again in my EPP Hub?  

You will have to transition to EPP Hub. Any approved hours in the current EPP system were transferred over for you. You will need to claim the remainder of your EPP hours in your EPP Hub.

Q: I haven’t claimed any hours in the old EPP system, but I have completed 450 hours of EPP. Can I claim these in my EPP Hub? 

Yes. You will have to provide a letter (on company letterhead) from the placement provider, confirming the dates, hours, tasks completed, and the supervision during your placement. You can submit this letter as evidence when claiming your hours in your EPP Hub.

Q: Are the categories and Type A and B hours the same in the EPP Hub? 

If you commenced your studies prior to 2025, your EPP Hub would reflect the EPP rules that were in place when you commenced. For example, Type A hours correspond to the Industry Placement component with a claimable hour range of 0 – 430. 

For further information on old to new category correspondence, visit the old Engineering Professional Practice Activity Table.

Q: I submitted an industry placement via InPlace but the placement dates have changed. How do I change the InPlace record? 

You can either submit a change request via the placement record page in InPlace or email your change request to EAIT Employability.

Q: I commenced my studies in 2025 or after, why does my EPP Hub have different minimum and maximum hours to those that commenced in 2024 or before? 

Students who commenced in 2024 or before were required to transition to the EPP Hub from another EPP system that had different EPP requirements at the time. Students are required to complete EPP with the rules that were in place at the time they commenced their engineering studies at UQ and these rules are reflected in your EPP Hub.

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