If you cannot find the answer to your question here, please reach out to EAIT Faculty International.

What are the general requirements for participation in the program?

To be considered for the program, there are 2 sets of requirements: academic, and travel-based requirements.

Academic requirements (at time of application)

Travel-based requirements

  • Be enrolled in an applicable program:

    • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Engineering (BE/ME) (major dependent)

    • Master of Data Science

  • Complete the minimum number of units

  • Have a cumulative GPA of 5.0 or more  

  • Hold a valid passport with more than 6 months of validity beyond your intended date of return

  • Be eligible for student visa in your destination country

  • Be an Australian/New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, or hold an Australian permanent humanitarian visa*

*Due to conditions for holders of visa subclass 500 (maximum restriction of 12-month travel time outside Australia while visa is valid), international students are not eligible to participate in the IDD program.  

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Will I need to pay tuition to my host institution?

No. Administratively speaking, students studying at a partner institution as part of the IDD are considered as exchange students, meaning they are afforded the same benefit of being exempt from tuition fees while studying at the partner institution. Please note there may be other administrative fees imposed by host institutions (e.g. student amenities fee). UQ students participating in the IDD will continue to pay a standard 8 unit’s worth of tuition to UQ throughout their program. This fee will continue to be levied in the same way that you would normally pay your fees (e.g. upfront or via HECS-HELP).

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Do I need insurance?

While UQ holds and offers a standard travel insurance policy to all students engaging in official global experiences as part of their studies, coverage during participation in the IDD is not guaranteed. Due to the complex nature and extensive length of the program, there are many conditions to be met in order to qualify under this policy. The policy includes coverage for incidents involving:

  • Lost/stolen baggage
  • Additional accommodation due to cancellation/disruption of travel plans
  • Urgent medical expenses (i.e. non-routine medical expenses)
  • Medical evacuation

All items of coverage are subject to terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions, which are outlined in the policy. Coverage may also include an excess fee. It may be more advisable to purchase your own travel insurance policy, particularly for any personal travels you plan to take. Contact UQ Insurance Services for any further enquiries (insurance@uq.edu.au).

Please note that host destination countries may require student visa holders to take out an appropriate level of health insurance, which is different and separate to UQ’s travel insurance. Consult with appropriate representatives from the host institution to find out more.

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Do I need to find my own accommodation?

Host institutions may have scope to arrange suitable student accommodation for incoming double degree students, but please note that it is not guaranteed. The mobility coordinator from the host institution will outline details of accommodation provisions during the enrolment period.

More information can be found at:

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Do I need to apply for a student visa?

Yes. Host institutions will guide applicants on how to navigate the visa application process.

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Am I able to work while studying at my host institution?

Refer to student visa conditions of your host destination.

  • Germany: students may work up to 20 hours per week.
  • Italy: students may work up to 20 hours per week.
  • France: students may work up to 20 hours per week, and full-time hours during school holiday periods.
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How do I transfer credit back to UQ?

Credit is only transferable upon completion of all studies at your host institution. As a rough guide for European destinations, 8 units of credit at UQ is worth 30 ECTS. Students must achieve a minimum of 30 ECTS per semester, in addition to their placement/project semester, which may be completed at either UQ or the host institution.

Upon completion of studies at the host institution, students can submit their official transcript from the host institution the student administration at UQ to initiate the credit transfer process.

Credits obtained at the host institution should be in consultation with student administration and the International Mobility Coordinator at EAIT Faculty.

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How much should I expect to spend to participate in the program?

The expected budget can vary based on many factors. As a general guide, UQ’s Careers and Employability team recommends exchange students to expect to spend anywhere between AU$13,000 - $18,000 per semester. This figure includes the cost of airfare, accommodation, insurance, visas, and daily necessities. The figure may be lower if students plan to remain in the host destination for the duration of their studies (therefore incurring less airfare expenses). Of course, students should do their own calculation based on actual costs in order to figure out their own personal expected budget.

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I am only enrolled in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours). Can I still participate in the IDD in Engineering?

No, but you may be eligible to transfer into the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Engineering. You will need to successfully request a program change before you can apply for the IDD in Engineering.

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What courses should I take in order to apply for the IDD in Data Science?

Please contact the EAIT International Mobility Coordinator to discuss your particular course requirements as soon as possible, the earlier the better.

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Can I do a double degree at a university other than those listed as partners?

No. The IDD has been set up through a careful consultation and assessment process with each of the participating host universities. The process includes a comprehensive review of curricula at both UQ and the host, to ensure consistency, appropriate progression, and an overall coherent experience.

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Do I have the option to just complete my placement/project semester at the partner institution?

No. In order to receive a degree from both UQ and a partner institution, you need to have completed a substantial amount of study at each institution. There may be other options for completing your placement/project at other universities abroad; speak to the EAIT International Mobility Advisor for more information.

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Do I need to speak the language of my host destination to be a student there?

In general, students can expect to find an appropriate number of courses available at their host institution that are taught entirely in English. Although not required for academic purposes, it is recommended that students selected to participate in the program acquire a beginner level proficiency of the language of their host destination to help assimilate better after arrival.

Some institutions may impose minimum proficiency standards for admission to their programs. Some institutions also offer language classes to incoming double degree students. See below for more information.


Language requirement

Language lessons


First semester is taught entirely in English. Second semester will consist of a mix of courses taught in English and French. CEFR B2 French proficiency is required.

French lessons offered for a fee

Politecnico di Milano

All courses available in English

40-hour course offered for a fee

Technische Universität München


  • CEFR B1 German certificate required for admission

MSc Informatics

  • All courses available in English

Free German lessons offered after enrolment


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