All Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Engineering, Master of Engineering and Master of Engineering (Professional) students must complete 430 hours of Engineering Professional Practice (EPP) prior to graduation.

1. What is EPP?

The engineering accrediting body Engineers Australia, states that 'exposure to professional engineering practice is a key element in differentiating a professional engineering degree from an applied science degree' and requires engineering graduates to have exposure to professional practice. 

Who is required to complete Engineering Professional Practice? 

All UQ Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) dual programs, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Engineering, Master of Engineering and Master of Engineering (Professional) students. 

What am I required to complete to graduate? 
  • Complete 430 hours of professional practice made up of a variety of mandatory and optional activities including*: 

  • EPP modules  

  • Course-based professional practice  

  • Industry placement 

  • Continuing professional development (CPD) 

  • Other paid supervised employment or the UQ Employability Award 

  • Keep an up-to-date record of your EPP in the EPP Hub and upon completion, submit your EPP Hub to the Faculty for approval 

  • Satisfactorily complete four (4) reflections, reflecting on the Industry Placement component of your EPP, referring to the Engineers Australia Stage One competencies.  

*For students commencing prior to 2025, the mandatory and optional EPP activities will reflect the EPP rules that were in place at the time of commencement. Click here to access the old Engineering Professional Practice Activity Table. All students will need to use the EPP Hub to complete EPP.  

What platforms will I need to access?

The below diagram shows which UQ systems you will be required to use for the different stages of your EPP. More information on each of these stages is detailed underneath each step listed on this webpage.

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